From Bluegrass to Broadcast!

Former Nickel Creek Fiddler Sara Watkins to Host Popular Radio Show     "A Prairie Home Companion". 

According to the post on the show's web page, "The last time anyone can remember our host taking a break from his lifelong duty to radio hosting, Gerald Ford was President. This Saturday, he's going to sit back and relax while Sara Watkins intros the guests, cracks the jokes and plays a little string music all her own."

No stranger to the long-running Minnesota Public Radio show A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor,  Sara Watkins has appeared as a guest performer on the show several times and joined Keillor and cast on the 25-city Summer Love tour of the United States last year.  Keillor will actually be a guest on his own show, while Watkins handles the Emcee Microphone.   "I've never gotten to see the show myself; I've always been standing in the wings and thinking about what I'm supposed to do next," Keillor writes on the show's site, prairiehome.org. "For once in my life, I want to stand in the back of the hall and watch for a few minutes. And Sara is a smart and funny and hugely gifted young woman. And the Shoe Band and the Royal Academy of Radio Acting will be there, so she'll have all the support she needs. It'll be fun. And at long last, one person in the world will understand WHAT I GO THROUGH WEEK AFTER WEEK. (Just kidding.)"

The show will feature the usual cast of characters, along with special guest musicians Abigail Washburn and Tom Brosseau.

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