Robin and Linda Williams Return to West Coast after 2-year Absence!

In a message to fans, Robin and Linda Williams hope that "Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder" for their fans on the west coast.

"We're busy packing for our second trip of the year to California and the west. We haven't toured California with the band in several years and we're hoping that absence makes the heart grow fonder. We're returning to some of our favorite places and have added a couple of fine new venues to the schedule and, thankfully, we're hearing from a lot of folks saying they plan on showing up. We might add a second show to the Coffee Gallery in Altadena, so, at the risk
of spamming you, we may send an update later this week to let you know. We'll get to see Linda's brother and wife in Phoenix whom we haven't seen in a few years. So it will be fun to catch up with them. Yeah, we're still basking in the glow of last weekend's work but we're looking forward to this upcoming trip".

See their Schedule

Other News
"We've had an action packed short week at home and we've spent most of it in the recording studio mixing the "Stonewall Country" songs. We're getting more excited the deeper we get into this project because things are sounding really good. We also recorded an old Bob Dylan song, "I'm Walking Down The Line," which will be included on a 
Red House Records compilation of Dylan tunes."

Classified Section
For Sale:  Band Vehicle
That's right - Robin and Linda would like to offer their 2001 Ford E450 for sale.


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