Settlement Agreement May Provide Funds to Bluegrass Artists Whose Music Was Played on Satellite Radio

IBMA's Legislative Information and Awareness Committee endeavors to report to the IBMA membership on selected legislation and court cases of interest to IBMA members and the bluegrass community.  In this article we report briefly on a recent class action settlement.
In June of 2007 a class action suit was filed against XM satellite radio alleging that XM had infringed on the rights of class members under Federal and New York law. Through 2008 the parties engaged in extensive fact discovery, and then jointly asked the court to put a hold on the case so that settlement discussions could take place.  By October 15, 2010 the parties had reached a settlement.
A court hearing is set for March 22, 2011 for the judge to consider the proposed settlement and its fairness.  This hearing may be continued from time to time so we cannot say for certain if and when the settlement will be finally approved by the court.
If you think the settlement might apply to you, check the above  referenced web site for more information, or call the settlement administrator, toll free, at: 877-398-1139.

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