Banjo Scholarship Winners Announced For Dr. Banjo Camp

Image634592980006296751Pete Wernick Announces Banjo Camp Scholarship Winners

Pete (“Dr. Banjo”) Wernick will host two scholarship winners at his January 2012 Advanced Banjo Camp. Jim Gabehart of Hinton, West Virginia, will attend thanks to the generosity of Stelling Banjo Works, and Jordan Alleman of Portland, Oregon is the recipient of donations received at last January’s annual Banjo Camp concert. Jim and his wife lead a band that plays throughout the east, and Jordan, 18, will start studies at Berklee College of Music in the fall.

Pete says, “Jim and Jordan’s skills and motivation will help spark all the participants in their quest to excel on banjo and to help their bands sound their best. We are very grateful to Geoff Stelling and to the other contributors for making these scholarships possible.”

Pete’s winter camps, the “original” Banjo Camps, have been held annually in Colorado since 1984. The Basic Skills week (January 2-7) and Intermediate week (January 9-14) are more than half full. Visit www.drbanjo.com/camps.php for information and registration. 

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