World-Wide Appreciation Day Set for Bluegrass!


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December 12th, 2012.

IBMAD World Logo“This is the day set aside just for Bluegrass. At least one day of the year, everyone involved in this music can feel appreciated,”

said Lee Marcus, the originator of this grass-roots movement. “…from the professional artists to the most unknown closet picker.”

According to Marcus, “many of the artists that aren't currently in the limelight get overlooked.”  Marcus hopes it can be a day where everyone from the most recognized artist to the most unknown closet picker can feel appreciated.

The day is not just for the people that play Bluegrass, but for EVERYONE involved in the music in ANY way.

Marcus also suggests that participants should “contact your favorite bands, DJs, promoters, etc., and let them know how much you appreciate their efforts.”

This very first IBMAD will fall on 12-12-12.   A special Webpage has been set up on Facebook for comments, ideas, suggestions and documentation of what any particular group plans to do to help celebrate and appreciate this music.  You can also invite other friends from your Facebook contacts to join on the page.  Already over 300 bluegrassers have joined the cause since the page went up just  yesterday.

Dwayne Elix from Sydney Australia suggested that everyone join in a world-wide version of Foggy Mountain Breakdown at 12:00 AM Frankfurt, KY time which would be 3:00 PM in Sydney.

A representative from the European World of Bluegrass, Ruud de Bruin committed participation from all of Europe and Rawhide’s Jeff Cardey in Belgium echoed the consideration for his band.

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