Cumberland River on NEW “Justified” Soundtrack Coming in January

Image634916699890100661More music from the FX TV series “Justified” will be released on January 8th, 2013 on Madison Gate Records.
Bluegrass band Cumberland River says they are “proud to be part of the new Justified Soundtrack.”
Image634916697837583264The album features a collection of 13 hand-selected and fan-favorite songs from JUSTIFIED, including the main title theme “Long Hard Times To Come” by Gangstagrass, an original recording of “Stand By Your Man” by Beverley Staunton, songs by Dave Alvin, Cumberland River and others.

JUSTIFIED is the story of Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, (Timothy Olyphant), a true-blue hero and something of a throwback, given to wearing a Stetson and cowboy boots, carrying his sidearm in a hip holster – a weapon he only draws when he has to, and when he does, he shoots to kill, because, as he sees it, that’s the purpose of a gun. Raylan was born and reared in the hill country of eastern Kentucky. It was in Harlan where he played ball, chased girls and dug coal .  .  .  Season Premier: Tuesday January 8 at 10p on FX.

Cumberland River’s roots have run deep in Harlan County Kentucky hills for generations, so it is no surprise fans can hear the heritage of traditional bluegrass in their music.  Likewise, it’s probably no surprise to fans of the band or the TV show to see them included once again in season 4.  They’ve been a part of the show’s history since the beginning.

In July 29, 2010, Cumberland River was invited to perform for the writers and producers of the FX Network’s TV show, JUSTIFIED while they were in Harlan gathering information for their upcoming season. With only 24 hours notice, the band got together and wrote a song, “Justified” as a gift to the show.

They received a standing ovation from the writers and producers, including Graham Yost, the multi-award winning writer and producer. Cumberland River added the song to their debut album, ROCK ISLAND EXPRESS released September 3, 2010 and a newly cut version appears as a bonus track on their new album.

TV viewer’s got a taste of Cumberland River’s music in the opening scene of the March 2, 2011 JUSTIFIED episode, “For Blood or Money,” when they heard the band performing an instrumental version of their original song “Justified” during the opening scene.

On the April 6, 2011 episode, viewers got a full dose when fans could hear the band performing five more of their songs during the first 30 minutes. During that time frame, the show was averaging 3.9 million total viewers on the first run of Season Two with a multi-run weekly average of 7.2 million total viewers and gaining fans every week.

The opening of season 3 in early 2012 gave fans another taste of Cumberland River with their original song “Antiham’s Hill” and the band released a video of their song “Justified”

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