Monroe Crossing Mandolin Player Very Happy after Return of Stolen Mandolin

Image634940905678908741Monroe Crossing’s Matt Thompson said his heart just sank when he returned to his motel room in Glendale, AZ last week to find his room had been burglarized and his instruments were gone.

“I’m a musician,” he said, “this is how I make my living.”

Matt and his band mates began immediately posting notices on social media sites offering a reward.  It worked.


A Scottsdale man known only as Jerry ended up buying the mandolin from a man walking through parking lots offering to sell it for $300.00.   He researched and discovered it’s true owner and contacted the band at Fiddler’s Dream in Phoenix where they were performing.

The CBS 5 news story from reporter Adam Longo shows a very happy Matt Thompson.  It’s a hell of a way to get on TV Matt, but we’re excited for you too!

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