Stolen Musical Instrument Alert!

Monroe Crossing in Arizona this week headed for the First Festival of the Year in Blythe, CA this weekend has some terrible news to report.

Stolen musical instruments from a performing musician on the road is never a situation one wants to be in.  If you can help, please do so.  If you have any information please contact the Glendale, AZ police Dept. (623) 930-3000

Image634938412239162145STOLEN! Help us find Matt's mandolin and fiddle which was stolen from a Glendale AZ hotel Monday afternoon.
It's a very unique mandolin, LaPlant number 125 made in 2003. The fiddle is old and un-labeled with a case and bow. They are probably together. We're offering a reward with no questions asked.  Friends in the Phoenix area can check in with pawn shops and music shops in your area to aid in recovery.

Here’s the specifics on each instrument

1) 2003 F-5 LaPlant Mandolin w/HS case (dark, matte finish) Serial #125
2) Mathias Neiner Geigenmacher Violin w/black, padded Heritage case & silver Coda bow.

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