Gabehart’s Looking For Real Kick-Start To Launch New CD

Image635010011094485182Jim & Valerie Gabehart are excited to announce plans for a new recording project, tentatively titled “Loving Life and Each Other”.

The couple will be recording at Steve Thomas’ Gain Train Studios in Nashville, along with group members Brandon Shuping and John “Buckwheat” Green. Tracking will begin in May, and Jim & Valerie are shooting for a late summer-early fall release.

In conjunction with the recording project, a Kickstarter campaign has been launched and those interested in supporting Jim & Valerie may view a brief video and read more about their plans at www.Kickstarter.com.

Even with a modest budget, the average total cost of a full-length CD project is $5,000 - $7,500. 

The Gabeharts are not asking or expecting all or even a majority of this cost to be advanced by friends and fans, but just a "kickstart", a show of support and confidence, so they've set a goal of $2,000 for this Kickstart campaign.

The couple is asking for your help  get this project off the ground by reviewing the pledge levels and rewards and doing what you can to help make this recording a reality.


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