July Workshop from IBMA–About Songwriting with A Friend

Image635072382161403032It takes two to tango, right? Well, sometimes it takes two to write a really great song.

Those are the thoughts of Becky Buller and Mark Brinkman who will be co-hosting the IBAM’s (International Bluegrass Music Assoc.) JULY  ON-LINE Workshop. How to Co-Write Songs (and still remain friends)

Maybe you’ve tried before and found yourself at odds with your co-writer, or maybe you and your other half think you’re the next Bernie Taupin and Elton John (of the bluegrass world, of course) and need the some expert advice on what to do next.

With years of successful solo and collaborative songwriting experience between the both of them, Becky Buller and Mark “Brink” Brinkman will dive into this topic head first. They’ll explore such topics as:

  • Setting the ground rules
  • The first writing session (how to fight fair)
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Tapping into images and emotions
  • Synergy: Two heads are better than one
  • Forms of co-writing
  • Demos & Pitching

They will also be fielding your questions, and playing a song they co-wrote together. You don’t want to miss this chance to be this bluegrass generation's next Pete Goble and Leroy Drumm*!

Webinars are $20 for IBMA members, and $40 for non-members. To register, email Taylor@IBMA.org with your request, or call (615)256-3222. Space is limited, so register early.  The Workshop is scheduled for:

Thursday, July 11th; 6p.m. CST

*Leroy and Pete penned such bluegrass favorites as "Georgia Girl", "Julianne", "You Can Keep Your Nine Pound Hammer", "Leaving You and Mobile (Too)", "Blue Virginia Blue", "Natural Thing To Do", "Bad Day in Akron", "Big Spike Hammer", "Tennessee 1949", "I’m Only a Phone Call Away", "Many Hills of Time", "Poet With Wings", "She’s Walking Through My Memory", "Dixie in My Eye", "Circuit Rider", "Joe’s Last Train", "I’m Only A Phone Call Away", and "Woman Dressed In Scarlet".

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