DETOUR Digitally By Friday!

Last minute word from Mountain Fever Record's Mark Hodges is that they expect to have the latest and much anticipated DETOUR Album available for Digital Downloading by Friday this week.

They'd promised the full CD by the end of March when the released the first single last month () and according to Hodges, a promise is a promise and they intend to keep theirs if possible.

Hodges said they just haven't received the physical product from the duplication plant yet and he knows there is no way they'll be able to have it distributed to retail stores by the end of the week .  But at least the music will be available to some of the fans by the due date if they don't mind the digital download version.

According to the band's Jeff  Rose, like their previous album, A Better Place, this album will also have a special song dedicated to veterans and once again all proceeds from sales of the song will be donated to the Goodwill Patriot's Place housing project for homeless vets.

The song, "Soldier's Sorrow," sung by Missy Armstrong, is an up tempo bluegrass tear-jerker that twists the theme on the bluegrass standard "Soldier's Joy" and describes a mother's sorrow when her warrior son comes home lying in a flag-draped coffin - an all too sad reality for many families.

"He is his mama's darlin' boy, he's comin' home tomorrow,                                                                      She won't be singing 'Soldier's Joy' but crying Soldier's Sorrow"

Radio programmers and disc jockeys can also expect to get their copies of the album via the broadcast download avenues for airplay on Friday.

Prescription Bluegrass Radio will have "Soldier's Sorrow" on the program heard on affiliate radio stations around the world beginning Saturday, March 29th.  Click for stations and times.

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