Mountain Heart Loses Jim Van Cleve!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  JIM VAN CLEVEThe "Official" statement from Mountain Heart co-founder Barry Abernathy on the departure announcement from Jim Van Cleve:

"Jim Van Cleve has been a wonderful friend and band mate for the last 16 years. .......

....I wish him nothing but the best in all of his endeavors. I feel privileged to have had Jimmy as a part of the band, as well as a huge part of my life over what has been the "Prime" of our careers. I feel that I am a better person, and musician, having created music the last 15 years with this man. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all the music and memories which I will cherish forever. (or at least as long as I am in my right mind) Good Luck Jimmy, and don't forget to set your clock!"

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