PreddyFest Founder Loses Eye From Gunshot!

Image635410028923283616WRAL Broadcasting in Raleigh/Durham, NC is reporting this morning that Allen Rodney Preddy, founder of the popular Preddyfest in Franklinton, NC has been wounded from a gunshot and has lost an eye as a result.

According to the report, the bullet entered through the back of his truck, hit the side of his temple and then his right eye, grazing his nose before exiting the vehicle through the front windshield.

Preddy was driving on unfamiliar streets in Oxford, NC (about an hour's drive north of Raleigh) and first thought he was hearing fireworks.

He continued driving for one half mile after being shot, before stopping for assistance at a retail location.

Preddyfest, now in it's 17th year will go on as scheduled according to a friend of the promoter.

Anyone with information about the shooting is asked to contact Oxford police at 919-693-3161 or Crime Stoppers at 919-693-3100

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