New Year Brings New Changes to Prescription Bluegrass

Contrary to any rumors that have started to circulate, Prescription Bluegrass is not folding up!

Our radio program will discontinue service to our broadcast affiliates beginning this year, but we'll still be a viable bluegrass news service via our website, PrescriptionBluegrss.com.

I've been very hesitant to say too much publicly for fear of causing confusion because PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS will continue as a website and news service.  I don't want our readers to think we're going away totally.   The broadcast portion of our business, although it was the beginning, turned out to be the smallest end.  For the last several years, I've been saying we have the tail wagging the dog.

When we started this over ten years ago, the map had a completely different look.  There were very few broadcast outlets willing to air bluegrass with any regularity and there were even less streaming online.  Today we have bluegrass everywhere it seems.   I started out trying to fill a void but that doesn't appear to be needed any longer.

The past ten years have seen a lot of changes in the bluegrass world as well as in the radio world. A lot of new radio stations and bluegrass programs have come online both in the figurative sense as well as in the literal sense... And a lot have gone away.

Prescription Bluegrass Radio, which began on one little public radio station in central Arizona and eventually became broadcast around the world, will cease production at the conclusion of 2015.

Prescription Bluegrass Radio began as a natural growth out of our predecessor program, a Bluegrass Gospel radio show called O GOD WHERE ART THOU. Back then, there were very few radio stations or programs dedicated to bluegrass music. Only a couple of full time programs existed on the internet but they were more like canned 'elevator bluegrass' with no announcer.  Today we have hundreds of radio stations serving the bluegrass community – both terrestrial and online.

Thanks for your continued support, and please keep reading our pages and sending us your bluegrass news, photos and videos.

Brian McNeal
Prescription Bluegrass

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, phooey. I don't like this idea at all, but I'll keep track of you on the blog. I will truly miss the show. Thank you for all that you have done for so many. Warmest wishes. Jan Hudson