We Mourn the Loss of Bluegrass Pioneer Melvin Goins

Over the years and the various Bluegrass radio programs we've produced, it's unmountable just how many times Melvin Goins' was on the air.

Radio personalities get to feeling like we know those artists we play frequently.  We get to thinking of them as close friends.

And so it was that after many years, I finally got the chance to meet Melvin in person.  He lived up to every one of my expectations.  The Melvin I'd come to know through his music was the same Melvin I met standing in the lobby of the Nashville Convention Center.

Melvin and his late brother, Ray were inducted into the Kentucky Hall of Fame in 2011.

Melvin Goins was 83 at death.  He entertained bluegrass fans for 65 years.

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