Della Mae says Goodbye to German Fans!

Della Mae’s final Guest-Blog 


Image634600781112396811Finally after a long day of travel we have landed safe and sound on American soil. After 3 weeks of not really understanding what people are saying, I must admit no small amount of joy upon hearing and seeing English again. No slight to our German friends of course, we just need to get better at learning the language!! The prize to “The Most German Spoken Onstage” goes to Courtney, who saved the day by learning several key phrases.

The tour was both wonderful and exhausting. We managed to make it through without any serious meltdowns or break ups, which might I add is impressive for a group so large. We even incorporated a few new songs into the set, and tightened our sound overall. We ended on a high-note playing to an enormous crowd at the Albert Einstein Forum in Kaarst, Germany. We sold out of our CD’s and were able to come home knowing that almost 400 Germans have taken a piece of us home with them. Hey Hey!

We do hope to be back as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Traveling to Europe was incredibly eye opening- perhaps we’ll have a few days to sightsee this time!

Della Mae would like to thank Rainer and Ille Zellner for working so hard to keep the tour rolling, Werner Schutte for making us sound good and Gerda and Dieter for driving us all over tarnation! We had a fantastic time, and look forward to seeing all of you again.

For you folks stateside, Della Mae has just announced that we will be appearing at Telluride this summer! See you there.



Prescription Bluegrass has been honored to host the guest blogs from Della Mae during their European Tour with the Bluegrass Jamboree.  This is their final posting for this tour but we invite any of the ladies to send us their comments from the road at any time.   Our sincere thanks to all of them.  To read any of their posts or view pictures from the trip use any of the links below.

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