Chilliwack Bluegrass – Only a Memory after 25 Years!

Image634928210684590549On the last day of 2012 we got wind of another festival that was about to go dark in 2013. 

We now have the official word from Rod Hudson, Executive Director of the Chilliwack Community Arts Council  in Chilliwack, British Columbia.

Chilliwack, BC: Recent changes in the community have led the Chilliwack Community Arts Council to search and find a new home for their base of operations. Property has been purchased and a new direction will soon be unveiled. Some of our more popular events, classes and activities will continue; however, some projects will be discontinued. Because of these major organizational changes the Arts Council will not be presenting the Chilliwack Bluegrass Festival in 2013.

The resolution to discontinue the Bluegrass Festival after 25 years was one of the tougher decisions we had to make, but at the end of the day nothing lasts forever. The Arts Council had a great 25 years of presenting some of the finest bluegrass music to be heard anywhere to one of the best and most appreciative audiences one could hope for. Many friendships and many fond memories were made that I’m sure will last a lifetime.

The Board of Directors and the staff of the Arts Council would like to thank all of those individuals who supported the festival over the years, and wish them many happy bluegrass tunes in the future.

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