Northwest Bluegrass Group Tops Chart

Image634944403049928614Kathy Boyd and Phoenix Rising out of the Northwest are generating some excitement over their latest release, “Lowground.”

Kathy sent us a note saying, “When we released "Lowground" for radio airplay it immediately showed in the position of being the #1 bluegrass CD being downloaded for radio airplay IN THE WORLD,” according to Airplay Direct’s statistics.

Kathy Boyd AD ChartThe group has also gotten some notice by area newspapers most recently.  The Hillsboro Tribune said: “Many times, after the band’s Dennis Nelson finishes singing about a younger stillborn brother who never had a chance to go fishing, there is a shocked silence in the audience, the song just touches them….and then there is this roar.”  And The Oregonian said, “the group’s focus is musical storytelling which is set to classic roots music.”

The group’s album is available for radio stations and disc jockeys from Airplay Direct and available to the public from various on-line CD outlets. You can preview the album in it’s entirety here at simfy.

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