Why Is This NOT a Television Show?

Image634985863042629576Bob Stane, proprietor of one of the finest venues for intimate acoustic music in the country, The Coffee Gallery Backstage in Altadena, California poses the question regarding the second Sunday Bluegrass Jam held there.

Bob says:   “This is the BLUEGRASS JAM as it happens at The Coffee Gallery Backstage on the second Sunday or each month.  It is hosted by David Naiditch  (is he one of those rocket scientists who get their musical jollies at The Coffee Gallery Backstage?).  Time:  12:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. second Sunday of each month.  Free to all.”

The music emanating from this room on the select Sunday would be of headline quality in most music listening rooms anywhere in America and "all the rage" in Europe.  The best part is that it is free to all the pickers and grinners who have multiple strings and can venture to The Coffee Gallery Backstage in Altadena.  Also, it is free to anyone who wishes to drop in and sop up all the music their ears can absorb.....well, that is free, too.  Pull up a back porch, pour some coffee and listen up.  The room drips with authentic atmosphere. The price is right and the quality is "beyond superb."  

Is this a "happening" about to burst upon the musical scene or a great opportunity for a feature story?  Or Both.

This is real music and a fun event.

The next questions would be.....why is this not a television show? And why is this wonderful room not used in any number of TV shows and motion pictures?  It should be in use as a "set" all the time.  Is there no justice?Image634985857656121485



For more information about the jam or the Coffee Gallery Backstage in Altadena at: (626) 798-6236.

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