20 Year Anniversary Video By James Reams Released

Image635054241677840189James Reams who is celebrating 20 years as the leader of the Barnstormers this year has just released a celebration video looking back at his early years right through today.

WATCH THE VIDEO HERE at the end of this post .

James Reams has been the leader of the Barnstormers for twenty years. In order to celebrate his ongoing success as a musician, he has created a video to highlight his key performances. This video contains many never-before-seen photos of his childhood in Kentucky, band performances across the country, new footage of live performances featuring songs from the most recent album, and more.

Putting this together and compressing 20 years into about 6 minutes was a killer, said James, but what came out of it reminded me of time lapse photography - looking back on early roots and seeing how the tree has grown and spread (now with two bands on both coasts) – is quite a revelation and hopefully will encourage new bands just getting their start.”

In this video, you'll see the progression of James Reams as a band leader and as a person. From his powerful voice on stage to his delightful presence off-stage - James Reams continues to light up his target audience. 

So far, the 20th Anniversary Coast-to-Coast Celebration has been fantastic with shows in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, New York, and New Jersey - even headlining a few festivals.

Reunion shows with former band members are coming up culminating in an “All Star Jam” at the 14th Annual Bluegrass and Oldtime Music Jamboree in Brooklyn, Sept. 27 and 28. This is the show that was conceived with his partner, Tina, and is a much anticipated annual event by bluegrass lovers back east.

“I truly appreciate the contributions to this video made by so many friends, James wrote in a message to Prescription Bluegrass.  Twenty years in the business and going stronger than ever, I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for the next 20 years.”

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