IIIrd Tyme Out Looking for 10,000th Facebook LIKE

Image635040222978115889Russell Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out are very excited to announce that their Facebook page is just a few hundred "likes" away from 10,000 faithful followers!

“It's such a great milestone for us that we've decided to do something a little special to commemorate it,” said Russell.  “We're going to give away a PRIZE PACKAGE to the person who becomes our 10,000th Facebook Fan!”

That person will receive a IIIrd Tyme Out cap, a copy of the bands latest  CD,Timeless Hits From The Past Bluegrassed, and dinner for two at Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores!

The group’s Facebook Page at the time of this posting was a little more than 300 “LIKES” away from reaching the mark.

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