New Bass Player for Special Consensus!

Image635066190677300113Special Consensus is very happy to officially announce and welcome their new bass player Dan Eubanks!

Dan has been playing with the band for about two months now.

He played bluegrass music while growing up in the St. Louis, MO area and eventually earned a Master’s in Jazz Performance before relocating to Nashville.

According to Greg Cahill, the bands founder, “We are very fortunate to have a great bass player and singer join our ranks and look forward to touring and recording with Dan.”

Dan grew up in Crystal City and St. Louis, Missouri, and his grandparents began taking him to bluegrass festivals at a very young age in the 1970s.

He began playing music on drums, then banjo and guitar, and eventually electric bass at age 12. Dan played in country and rock bands throughout high school and he attended college on a music scholarship. His study of jazz bass playing eventually led him to the upright bass and a very diverse musical education that included study of nearly all styles of American music and procurement of a Master’s in Jazz Studies degree from Webster University in St. Louis.

In 2003, after many years of teaching at several St. Louis-area colleges and universities as an adjunct professor, Dan’s desire to get back to his bluegrass and country roots prompted his move to Nashville. He has been teaching, performing with various bands and working as a studio session musician since this relocation and he joined The Special Consensus in 2013.

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