Prescription Bluegrass Reviews: Newton and Thomas - REBORN

Image635064469149614362I’ve been on a roll lately….. every CD I’ve picked up to review has been exceptionally good. At this rate I’m going to forget how to be nosy, constructively critical and nit-picky! Sometimes, when I’m listening to a new CD, I dig a little too deep into the who, what, where, when and why, and then I have to keep diggin’ even deeper to satisfy my curiosity.

I can’t seem to stop listening “just one more time!” The only problem with that is time just seems to slip away from me, and I can’t keep myself on schedule.

So, for this review, I grabbed a new CD “blindly” off the pile, thinking that may just be the way to break this hot streak of great new music. Well, that didn’t work! The new CD from Mark Newton and Steve Thomas, “REBORN,” jumped out of the speakers with a bang, and there I was again…. listening “just one more time!”

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