Colorado Bluegrass Band #1 On Global Chart!

FINNDERS AND YOUNGBERG“HOLY MOLY” were the first words out when Finnders & Youngberg bassist Erin Youngberg heard the news!

Finnders & Youngberg, a Colorado based bluegrass band were somewhat shocked and surprised to find they’d reached the top of the Global Bluegrass charts on Reverbnation, a band social and sharing platform.

Not much more than a year ago we were posting stories about the band’s evacuation ordeals due to the Colorado forest fires.  We’re sure they’re much happier with this news.


The band’s music is streamable on their website through a Reverbnation Widget which also serves as a purchase vehicle for the listener.


“I wouldn’t be surprised if this group takes off and becomes one of the new staples of the genre. Hip writing, strong performances and a cool vibe to top it off.” Posted Mathew DeRiso in his NoDepression.com Review of the band’s latest album.

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