Common Strings Return to Touring!

Image635143401484697302After taking some time off from the road to help launch the Cumberland River Academy and spend time with their daughter, Common Strings (Darron and Vanessa Nichols) is ready to hit the touring trail again!

Common Strings has lots of options to offer talent buyers. like their hard driving traditional bluegrass sets, heartfelt gospel sets, and their educational seminars about Appalachian music and culture, entitled  APPALACHIA IS MY COUNTRY.

APPALACHIA IS MY COUNTRY is a walk through the history of how music and dance was such a big part of life in the Appalachian Mountains and how the music was introduced by the Scotch Irish settlers to the Appalachians.

This is a great program for School groups from Kindergarten through College, and is an excellent program to be offered as a workshop at all types of festivals.

Both Darron and Vanessa are " mountain people" and very proud of their heritage. Their music reflects the hardships and pleasures of rural life in the mountains. Stringed instruments and haunting vocals are the pallet from which they work.

Vanessa was born and raised in the Clear Fork valley where coal mining was the a way of life. Her father mines coal and grand fathers were miners. Music was and still is, an outlet use to express the joy and the pain of life in the mountains.

Darron grew up in the mountains of North Georgia. A descendent of Scotts/Irish settlers in the Southern Highlands, the music was handed down thru the generations to him.

For more information on Common Strings, The Cumberland River Academy, or APPALACHIA IS MY COUNTRY;

Contact; Darron Nichols

Booking for Common Strings,
Contact; Rock House Entertainment Group
Phone--(606) 499-2542

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