Guest Editorial - More Thoughts on Bluegrass Radio

Image635138727918175167Our Friday Guest-Editorial Comment comes from Janice Brooks who programs the Live 365 Radio Station BUS OF REAL COUNTRY.

Rita Small, a fellow Bluegrass DJ, had a great blog post about how to support and thank Bluegrass DJ's. 

I'll concur that the majority of us are not paid by commercial stations. This means we as DJ's make Bluegrass one of the largest genre's with freedom of programing.

I thank all the artist and their teams that make it easy to access their tracks. (digital downloads and Airplay Direct have changed the whole process over the past 5 years)

Because I don't drive, my live shows are few but I get out when I can and make IBMA the highlight of my Year.  I also publish Bluegrass tracks I add to my general programing hours and when I post my top 20 I let artists etc. know their tracks are listed if I have contacts.

As an internet station who broadcasts genres connected to Classic Country, Bluegrass is a fair size chunk of my programing and I've enjoyed meeting so many interesting folks since my first festival in 2006.

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