Prescription Bluegrass Reviews O WINDING RIVER from The Stetson Family

Image635149287855197173You can imagine my curiosity when I received a package from Melbourne, Australia with a note requesting consideration for review.

I truly had no idea what Australia’s version of Bluegrass would sound like or if it would even resemble my idea of Bluegrass.

I admit, I am open-minded about all genres of music and, in the case of Bluegrass, will not dismiss something just because it does not fit a preconceived mold. Although, in the case of this project, it is Bluegrass with a lean towards, what I would consider, a string band or folk sound.

O Winding River, the latest release by The Stetson Family, who are not blood relatives at all but rather five friends who, through circumstances that could in itself be the backdrop of a song, came together to share a common love of Bluegrass and American roots music.

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