Sarah Jarosz’ BUILD ME UP FROM BONES Coming Soon!

Image635145986031534966Sarah’s new album, BUILD ME UP FROM BONES, will be released on Sept. 24th.

Already garnering critical praise, the album features eleven songs, nine of which Sarah wrote or co-wrote.

It also features “Simple Twist of Fate” (Bob Dylan) and “The Book of Right-On” (Joanna Newsom), already fan favorites from the live show.

The core of the new album is recordings with Alex Hargreaves (fiddle) and Nathaniel Smith (cello).

It was recorded in Nashville during Sarah’s senior year at New England Conservatory, and completed just after graduation. Gary Paczosa and Sarah joined forces to co-produce for the third time.


What Reviewers Are Saying

“With Build Me Up From Bones (Sugar Hill) her third album, she moves past precocity toward the full bloom of artistry: the singing is more deeply self-assured, and the songs are grounded in truer emotional terrain.” - New York Times

"A gifted multi-instrumentalist . .  the 22-year-old Texan emphasizes her evocative songwriting as strongly as she does her instrumental technique. In addition to covers of songs by Bob Dylan and Joanna Newsom, these new songs are among Jarosz’ more personal as well as her most eloquently austere." - CMT EDGE


Here's a first look at the newest teaser for Build Me Up From Bones, filmed at their recent appearance on the Grand Ole Opry.

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