Dr. Banjo Jam Classes Big In Europe

Dr. Banjo JAM CLASSPete Wernick, sometimes better known as Doctor Banjo, has announced a record-setting number of new WERNICK METHOD JAM CLASSES for the European Market.

Up to 2000 folks for 200+ classes have signed up in  Switzerland, France, Germany, Ireland, Czech Republic, and 30+ of the United States.

“It sometimes takes an organized jam class to get would-be jammers 'out of the closet and playing real bluegrass with others,”says Wernick.  “But with most teachers still training folks to be closet players instead of a team of musicians, it makes us want to help.”

Former students give the “Wernick Method” and Dr. Banjo’s Jam Classes a Thumbs Up!

  • "Your jam camp was wonderful for me. I didn't want to see it end."
  • "An incredible experience... a depth of knowledge on the subject beyond just technique, including the history, etiquette, and flavor of the genre."  
  • "You have had a major impact in my life. I know this sounds lofty, but our social network now is mostly musicians who are wonderful people my wife and I would have never met if I hadn't gotten out of the closet and attended your Boulder Jam Camp."
  • "Inspiration, instruction, encouragement and fun!"

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