New Single From American Drive - One of Abe Lincoln's Favorites!

Prescription Bluegrass Imange  - American DriveRural Rhythm Records is proud to announce the May 6 release of American Drive’s new single “For The Dear Old Flag, I Die”. 

This song has a timely element surrounding its release due to the multitude of American Civil War 150 Year Anniversary events that have been going on over the past several years which will culminate in 2015.

“For The Dear Old Flag, I Die” is a Union song, one of Abraham Lincoln’s favorite songs, which interprets the last words of a brave little drummer boy who was fatally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. The song was originally a poem written by George Cooper and the music added later by Stephen Foster.

Dwight McCall from American Drive explains the development of the new song.  “I ran across this song and thought that it was kind of slow… I had a melody that was really different than what I was hearing from the words. So I sat down and put the words to this new melody and it just rolled into what you hear on the new single. I loved the words and the story it's telling…”

The single was produced by American Drive and includes band members Dwight McCall (mandolin, lead vocals and tenor vocals), Matt DeSpain (dobro, lead vocals on the chorus), Adam McIntosh (guitar, baritone vocals), Kyle Perkins (bass) and Shane Bartley (banjo).

The single will be available to the radio community for  on-air programming on May 6th.

This highly anticipated follow up album to American Drive’s debut album, will contain several special guests and is scheduled for a fall release.

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