Detour Bluegrass Band Continues Support of Homeless Veterans through Goodwill Industries’ Patriot Place!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  DETOUR'S JEFF ROSE & GOODWILL'S LILLY NOWICKIDETOUR bluegrass band is proud to announce they will donate proceeds from the sales of their new song, "Soldier's Sorrow" to Goodwill’s Patriot Place project.

"Soldier's Sorrow" appears on DETOUR's album GOING NOWHERE FAST recently released on Mountain Fever Records. The label has generously offered to match dollar for dollar, up to $1,000 in sales, to the organization.

Patriot Place is a transitional housing community for Northern Michigan’s homeless veterans. Songwriter and band member, Jeff Rose is set to present another check to Lilly Nowicki, Event and Database Coordinator with Goodwill.

For several years, the band has also been donating proceeds from their song ,"Homeless of the Brave" from their previous album A BETTER PLACE, to the organization.

Radio stations can download "Soldier's Sorrow"at airplaydirect.com/music/Detour2.
"Homeless of the Brave" can be downloaded atairplaydirect.com/music/Detour.  

"Soldier's Sorrow" can be purchased at iTunes, Amazon, Mountain Fever Records, Detour's website and many more outlets.

To learn more about Patriot Place, please visit goodwillnmi.org/vets

DETOUR is now on tour and includes the talents of: Melissa Armstrong (Lead & Harmony Vocals, Guitar); Jeff Rose (Lead & Harmony Vocals, Mandolin); Peter Knupfer (Fiddle); Scott Zylstra (Lead & Harmony Vocals, Guitar); Jeremy Darrow (Bass); and Lloyd Douglas (Banjo).

For more information, please visit DETOUR online at DetourBluegrass.com, Facebookand Twitter .


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