Call-Out for Volunteers at Birthplace of Country Music Museum!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  BIRTHPLACE OF COUNTRY MUSIC MUSEUMBirthplace of Country Music Museum, opening August 1, 2014, is sending out a call to volunteers and docents to help with a number of activities and duties at the new facility.

Two informational sessions will be held to learn more about becoming a volunteer or docent. These sessions will be held at the museum on Monday, June 23, at 4:00pm and Tuesday, July 1, at 12:00pm. Birthplace of Country Music Museum is located at 520 Birthplace of Country Music Way, Bristol, VA, across from Cumberland Square Park. Individuals may sign up for required training sessions at these meetings.

For more information about the Birthplace of Country Music Museum docent and volunteer program or to fill out an online volunteer form, visit www.BirthplaceofCountryMusic.org

To register for one of these informational sessions, call the BCM office at 423-573-1927 or email: museumvolunteers@birthplaceofcountrymusic.org.

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