Tales from the Road!

Anytime you get around a group of touring musicians - especially when there is a mix of pickers from different bands - you're guaranteed to hear a few tales of their escapades.  Much of the time the stories are reserved for insiders and they all have a good laugh at each other's expense.

Today we discovered that The Gibson Brothers shared one of their humorous incidents with the public on their social media pages.

Image635485308049189928Bass man, Mike Barber admitted to Eric and Leigh that he had broken his G-string on his bass prior to the band's very first appearance on   had no spare, and played the show with the string tied in a knot below the bridge.

"I am so glad it held and also appreciate that he waited until after the show to tell us," said Eric in his comments about the situation!

The brothers have been long-time fans of the show and were extremely excited to be making their first-ever appearance on the Radio Drama/Comedy/Musical.

Fans who missed the live broadcast on October 4th can get the archived version from the show's website: 

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