Feller & Hill Christmas Message Promises Brand New, All- Gospel Album Coming Soon!

FELLER & HILLSince Feller and Hill began touring in 2012, they have been bombarded by requests for a gospel CD.

We're pleased to announce that Tom Feller and Chris Hill have begun work on their first all gospel project with an anticipated March 2015 release date.

The project will be a culmination of their love for traditional bluegrass gospel, as well as some of their southern-gospel style favorites. 

"When we set up our record table, countless folks have asked where our gospel CD is....assuming that we must have one," says Tom Feller. "I explain that we've only been touring for a couple of years and that we only have two CD's out with a couple of gospel selections on each. We still get that look of confusion from time to time. We've been planning this project since our formation, but are just now getting the opportunity to put it all together. We are so excited to take our love for gospel music and share it with the world

Feller and Hill will use their all gospel release as a catalyst for the launch of their forthcoming record label.

Building their successful music business from the ground up with only prior side-man experience has taught them that hard work and dedication does pay off.

Tom Feller shares these thoughts: "We never dreamed that our original vision for a good recording project would turn into a musical venture that has taken us around the world or that our music receiving worldwide airplay. Knowing that we built this on our own just reinforces the idea that we must be doing something right. Starting our own record label seems like an obvious choice. We own our studio; we successfully launched our first two projects using many of our own ideas and resources; we own the masters to those projects; we are getting a considerable amount of attention and interest from other artists about our business.....I think it's the right move for us at this time."

Look for more news about the upcoming gospel project and record label debut from Feller and Hill over the next couple of months. In the meantime, Tom and Chris hope you enjoy a great Christmas and holiday season!

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