Rebecca Frazier's "40 BLUES" Video Debuts Today

It's not too often we see a professional video produced for an instrumental song. But Rebecca Frazier and Videographer Alison Goedde have done it up right.   Watch the Video BELOW.

The "40 BLUES" official video—shot in a 1972 Ford Truck along Interstate 40 and in Baxter, Tennessee—evokes the story of a guitar picker emerging from a bus graveyard hoping to hitch her way down I-40 on a hazy summer evening, and the mysterious character she meets along the way. 

Rebecca says she wrote '40 Bllues' in September 2004, cruising with her guitar along I-40 in the back of the band van, headed to perform at the Brewgrass Festival in Asheville.  Twelve Septembers later, after much love, laughter, loss, and life, she decided to get the story of ’40 Blues' on film. 
"The guitar tune has always felt like driving music to me, and through life’s ups and downs, one thing has remained a constant comfort: time with my guitar."
Goedde captures down-and-dirty bluegrass guitar on a Martin D-18 alongside a truck-driving Graham Spillman, who is the real-life drummer for Nashville-based Americana band, the Cordovas.

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