Walnut Valley Festival Still On!

From the Walnut Valley Association Ticket Trailer -

Sales of camping spaces will continue with campers being able to camp at the Winfield City Lake (North east of Winfield, KS; located at 10348 141st Road) for no additional fee.

The City of Winfield will honor Walnut Valley Festival Camping Credentials.

Presently, the evacuation of campers in the campgrounds is the moving of campers in the lower areas with continued evacuations as required.

Campers en route to or arriving in Winfield for the Festival may also temporarily park away from the festival grounds at the parking lot for the Winfield Sale Barn (located at 7168 US Highway 160 which is west of the Fairgrounds on Highway 160.

The official festival is scheduled for September 14-18, 2016 but many campers arrive early and stay longer.

Everyone is encouraged to monitor the local media, the Walnut Valley Official Websites at wvfest.com or on Facebook and update will also be available on the new Walnut Valley Festival mobile APP.

Walnut Valley Festival App available

The app is available in the Apple or Android stores, and we recommend downloading it before the Festival to save your data bytes.

For more information regarding the Walnut Valley Festival, visit the official website at:  http://wvfest.com/

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