Patrick McAvinue Says Goodbye & Hello!

imageFiddler Patrick McAvinue who has been with Audie Blaylock and Redline for the past eleven years is saying goodbye to his boss and band brothers.   But only because he’s saying hello to Jamie Dailey and Darrin Vincent.

…As posted on Patrick’s social pages:

The past 11 years as a member of Audie Blaylock & Redline have been nothing but extraordinary. Audie Blaylock took a huge chance hiring me. I was 16 years old, very young and naive. He ALWAYS believed in me and ALWAYS promoted and fostered my talent. Audie and my Redline Brothers will forever be my family. I'm grateful for every mile traveled, every lesson learned, and every opportunity given. I will carry those beautiful memories for the rest of my life. Thank you, Audie Blaylock & Redline...truly, it's been an honor. I'm proud of everything we accomplished together.

McAvinue will start with Dailey & Vincent wen they start their new season after the first of the year!

…From the D&V social pages:

As many of you know our good friend and fellow musician BJ Cherryholmes departed our band last month to join Christian Rock Star David Crowder. BJ blessed us with his life, friendship and nearly six years of dedicated and loyal service. He's a good man and we will miss him very much. He and his wife Devon are expecting a little one soon and we wish them the very best! But, for most bands change is inevitable and it's a part of life. Tonight we are very excited to announce our newest member and welcome aboard fiddle extraordinaire Patrick McAvinue.

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