Skaggs & Hornsby Preparing for Limited 2017 Concert Dates

"The level of virtuosity required to play bluegrass music with the freaks of Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder requires a good deal of practice; imageI always have to prepare a good deal, practicing with the metronome at break-neck speed, crazy tempos, to be able to hang with those guys."

-Bruce Hornsby on upcoming dates with Ricky Skaggs.

At least 6 dates have been scheduled for the pair’s limited 2017 tour.  The shows will be centered in New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

The 1st (self-titled) Skaggs/Hornsby album was released in 2007 and the 2nd (Cluck Old Hen) six years later in 2013.

No mention of recordings of the 2017 shows for a possible 3rd album from the dynamic duo but perhaps that is a surprise they are saving for later.

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