Cherryholmes Family Says Goodbye to Fans!

In an open letter posted on their website yesterday The Cherryholmes family has decided to disband their musical group.

To Our Dear Friends and Fans:

We want to let you all know that "Cherryholmes" (the group) is officially disbanding. Our final performances will be on May 6 at the Doyle Lawson Bluegrass Festival in Denton, NC and May 7 at Houstonfest in Galax, VA.

Many of you have watched us from the beginning. You've seen our children grow into young adults. Though it is bittersweet, there comes a time in a family when seasons change. We've always known this season would come. Now that it has, we believe it is only right that our young folks be allowed to follow their own dreams and goals for the future. With spouses to consider and differing career aspirations, they deserve the freedom to choose their own paths without the extreme interdependence that exists in a family business.

Nearly twelve years ago, God sent our family on an amazing adventure. We are blessed to have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles, playing the music we've created and loved. We've seen the beauty of our great country as well as much of the world. We've met and made true friendships with our icons. It has been an honor to receive several Grammy nominations and Entertainer awards. Of course, the honor of regularly performing on the Grand Ole Opry is the pinnacle of our experiences. We all look forward to the next chapter of our adventure.

First, we want to thank Ricky Skaggs and our friends at Skaggs Family Records for all they have done to help us – for believing in us, encouraging us, praying for us, and working long hours to help us get our music out. We want to thank our agent Toby Tumarkin and the staff at Columbia Artist Management for getting us into some of the most beautiful theaters in the country, for opening the doors to symphony performances, and for our wonderful experiences in the UK.

We also want to express our sincere appreciation to Black Diamond, First Quality Music, Dana Bourgeois, Gibson, Frank Daniels, and Steve Huber for allowing us to have the very best in products and instruments.

Most of all, we want to thank all of you, our friends and fans, for your love and support over the years. It has been our privilege to be allowed to entertain you. Please check our schedule for performances through May 6 and 7. We hope to see you there or somewhere down the trail.

God bless you,

Jere and Sandy Cherryholmes

and the Cherryholmes Family 

Skaggs Family Records says, "For the past six years Skaggs Family Records and Cherryholmes have bonded in an incredible relationship, both professionally and personally. With great fondness and regret, but also with great wishes for their future, we bid them farewell. It is without doubt that they will long be remembered as one of the best family bands of all time in bluegrass music, with their distinctive family chemistry and solid musicianship. The band's masterful arrangements have melded into a rich tapestry of work that has taken Cherryholmes from humble beginnings to a full-fledged sound to be reckoned with. We wish them all the best in their futures, wherever their paths take them, and will always remember with affection our times spent together creating amazing music."

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