Legendary Adcock Headed Back for more Surgery Monday!

According to Eddie Adcock's musical partner and spokesperson Martha Adcock, the legendary banjo man is headed back for more surgery on Monday.   Martha writes:
Eddie had more x-rays today and saw his neurosurgeon and Medtronic rep....he will go in Monday  for surgery to replace neck wire. Please lend prayers and good vibes that this'll do it!
Adcock was just hospitalized two weeks ago "to fix his electronics and have him back at tip-top right away. When it comes to his music, nothing's too much for him to attempt".
Original Surgery Video

Adcock underwent ground-breaking brain surgery in 2008 when tremors took over his once dexterous hands and he lost the ability to play the music he loved.  Now, thanks to an incredibly successful brain surgery, during which Adcock was awake and playing the banjo until the doctors got it just right, he can turn his talent back on, literally at the push of a button.

Last week's surgery was to fine tune the electronics that were implanted in 2008.  "Research is progressing so fast that Eddie's new battery and remote unit are light-years beyond what was available just two years ago", said Martha after Eddies return to home for recovery last week, "and we're told that, soon, helper units that are external to the brain will not be needed at all - we are continually amazed".  "The great thing is that Eddie is playing, thank the good Lord, and his surgeons are confident that an even higher level can be reached. We have all faith in the incredible staff at Vanderbilt U Medical Center. Never seen anything like 'em"! Martha told fans well-wishers. - - -

Oct. 2008 - Bluegrass banjo playing legend Eddie Adcock regained control of tremoring hands after an incredible invasive brain surgery.

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