IBMA Wants Your Opinion

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 To IBMA members, non-members and friends of the bluegrass community:

The IBMA Board would like your help by sharing your opinions on a number of topics important to our future.
     Click here to participate in the survey (21 questions):
Your responses will be anonymous.
We are undertaking a major self-evaluation, deliberating how to improve at every level in our main job – “helping bluegrass” - and delivering more value to members. Your candid and thoughtful opinions on 21 questions in this survey are encouraged and should only take 10 minutes.  Your responses are anonymous and will be compiled with others from around the world.

This is the first of a series of surveys to understand how the organization and our World of Bluegrass week can be of most value to people in bluegrass.
We need input on what to change, what not to change, what is important to you and what is less important. Answers will be carefully tabulated, and the results will be shared with our leadership and summarized for our members and other interested parties.

Whether you are a current or former member of IBMA or have never been a member -- if you care about bluegrass we want to hear from you.
Your opinions matter and we appreciate you taking just a few moments to help.

Thank you!

Stan Zdonik
IBMA President and Board Chairperson

Please respond to all 21 questions by January 18, 2011

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