New For IBMA - Suggestion Box !

The International Bluegrass Music Association is asking for suggestions from members on everything from new ideas on membership growth to what works or doesn't work well for you.

According to newly installed Board President, Stan Zdonik,   "As leaders, we’re sometimes criticized for not understanding what’s important to our constituents and I want to pledge here that your input will be welcomed and listened to by the board and staff.  We have created an easy way for you to share ideas for how we might make IBMA more responsive to your needs.  We created an e-mail address ( ibmasuggestions@gmail.com) for you to send specific suggestions.  A suggestion should say what problem it’s solving and how you think we should go about solving it.  We promise to consider each and every suggestion, so give it a try.  The suggestion box is open."

Even if you're not a member, a quick note to indicate what would influence you to become a member could be all it takes.

For more information on IBMA membership click here

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