Donna Ulisse Photo Shoot for New CD


This time we decided to do the photo shoot for the cover of my newest project in my home.

Rick Stanley, my sweet husband, stood by and watched our house being emptied out as we set the scene for the shoot. Of course, I called in the Cavalry. My Dad and brother Jimmy drove in from Yorktown, Virginia to help Rick with all the moving.

With the master behind the
camera; photographer
Mark Mosrie
My favorite hair and makeup gal and good friend Jamie Fox Donovan was there to do me up right and once again, I used the very talented Mark Mosrie as my photographer.

with my long time friend, hair stylist
and makeup expert Jamie Donovan
He shot the photos for Walk This Mountain Down and Holy Waters and is a true artist. I had to smile A LOT for eight hours but we are over the moon with the photos! (the picture in the header is one we took that day!)

how cool is it that my good friend, 
folk singer songwriter Louise Mosrie
came by and helped with wardrobe? 
She happens to be married to Mark, 
the photographer and oh by the way, 
did I mention her album Home was #1 
on the Folk Charts and I co-wrote 
three songs on it with her?

What happened the day after the photo shoot you ask? Only a twelve and a half hour day in the studio recording with Keith Sewell, Andy Leftwich,Scott Vestal & Viktor Krauss as well as our trusty engineer Jake Burns and his wonderful assistant engineer Elliot Parry. 

Keith Sewell & I looking at what
we have on the
screen as Jake
gets ready to back it
all up and give us some ruff
to take home.

We put the pedal to the metal and whipped out eight songs. Who said music was easy? 

I was so tired that I couldn't remember what we cut. The next morning was quite fun as I poured myself a great big cup of strong coffee, threw my feet up on the ottoman and cranked the surround sound system up to an obnoxious level so that I could relive what we did in the studio. 

I LOVE IT! Once again, I am completely humbled by the talent of these guys. They take my songs and make them part of forever! That's BIG! I can't wait to share this project with you and if all goes as planned, it will be released in late May or early June.

I keep meaning to tell you that we are now using Bandbox which enables me to sell my music directly through my website.
You can buy physical CDs and we will ship them to you or you can download the digital album or buy downloads of songs. Here's what the widget looks like and it is also on myFacebook music page as well.

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