Becky Buller On The Air!

Bluegrass Crossroads Disc Jockeys
(L-R) Dennis Flatt, Kraig Smith, 
Becky Buller, Max Northcutt, Jeff Haley

It's always nice to get a pleasant surprise and this is no exception.  For many of Becky Buller's fans the image is of a pretty girl on stage with Valerie Smith and Liberty Pike with fiddle or banjo in hand, vocalizing a pretty song or cutting up with wise cracks reminiscent of the late Minnie Pearl.

Becky is also an award-winning and sought-after songwriter.  Her fans sometimes know this and sometimes are surprised, even thought they have that knowledge, when discovering that one of their favorite songs by another well known group or artist is actually a creation from Becky's pen.

Really, really hard-core fans may also know that Becky is a quality broadcaster hosting her own radio show with her husband Jeff.   Here's where the new surprise comes in.  However, given her ability to entertain on stage, it should be no surprise at all that she can handle a microphone in a radio sound booth.

Well, that's what one would think if one didn't know that there are very profound differences between stage microphone duties and being sequestered behind glass and acoustic tiles in a room not much larger than an apartment kitchen.  With one you can have thousands of people staring you in the face which is never nerve-wracking and with the other you can have thousands of people, whom you cannot see, hanging on every word and breath you utter - which is never-ever cause for fear and trepidation.   Very few have been able to handle both with as much ease, delight and wit as Becky demonstrates.

Listen to Becky and Jeff on Thunder Radio WMSR 1320 AM in Manchester, Tn and streaming On-Line at: Thunder On-Demand.

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