The bluegrass music world lost two important icons in 2011 in the persons of Hazel Dickens and Carlton Haney. In their memory, the Foundation for Bluegrass Music will be funding grants and/or scholarships this year and has set August 15, 2011 as the deadline to apply for these resources.

Hazel Dickens was a gifted singer and songwriter who paved the way for other women in bluegrass music as well as serving as a mentor to aspiring musicians and writers. Carlton Haney was the visionary businessman who produced the historic first weekend-long bluegrass music festival in 1965 that initiated the festival movement in bluegrass music. Both placed a high importance on nurturing young talents and supporting programs that enhanced the skills of the next generation. Both passed away this year, Dickens on April 22 and Haney on March 16.

A one-time fund of $10,000 has been earmarked with the following guidelines for applicants: up to $5,000 in memory of Dickens to fund public projects and/or education scholarships that foster "artistic" development involving deserving young people, and up to $5,000 in memory of Haney to fund public projects and/or education scholarships that foster bluegrass music "business" development involving deserving young people.

Greg Cahill
“In the spirit of these two giants in American music, we will be dedicating funds to foster bluegrass artistic and business development efforts involving young people,” said Foundation president Greg Cahill. 
 “We’re delighted to be in a position to memorialize Ms. Dickens and Mr. Haney in this way and we welcome donors who may want to help honor them in this fashion.”
A one-time fund of $10,000 has been earmarked with the following guidelines for applicants:

• Up to $5,000 (example – 2 grants at $2,500) in memory of Hazel Dickens to fund public projects and/or education scholarships that foster bluegrass “artistic” development involving deserving young people.

• Up to $5,000 (example – 2 grants at $2,500) in memory of Carlton Haney to fund public projects and/or education scholarships that foster bluegrass music “business” development involving deserving young people.

Applicants should clearly indicate whether their program is focused on “artistic” or “business” interests. If the applicant is a student applying for funds, they must demonstrate acceptance to and enrollment in an accredited program of study that fits the criteria and grants awarded will be made payable to their educational institution. This is a competitive application process and candidates must meet the Foundation’s Grant Application Guidelines as well as the special provisions outlined above. Grants awarded will be announced no later than October 31, 2011 with funds available after January 1, 2012.

Donations to the Foundation for these and related efforts are welcomed in any denomination and these grants will be funded regardless of donations received.

The Foundation for Bluegrass Music is a non-profit (501c3) organization created to serve as an “umbrella” under which funds may be placed and disbursed to support educational, literary and artistic activities related to bluegrass music, of public benefit. Examples of programs that can grow under this umbrella include Bluegrass in the Schools (grants, teacher workshops, educational DVD, lesson plan competition, etc.); academic conferences; literary work and related efforts; public artistic presentation of an educational nature; historic preservation; and other works of a charitable nature. For more info, please go to www.bluegrassfoundation.org.

For more information contact:
Foundation or Bluegrass Music
2 Music Circle South – Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37203

Click here for a grant application form.

The Foundation Board of Directors has established an annual general grant request application deadline of August 15, for projects planned for the following calendar year.

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