TG2 artists Opening New West Coast Office

We heard from Trish Galfano at TG2 Artists who said:
David Lloyd's California bound!
Our Boston office is becoming a San Francisco bay office! In addition to the Midwest, David will take over booking performing arts centers in California. Trish Galfano will continue to book festivals and club performances for the entire roster in California and will take over booking all performances in the New England area.

TG2 welcomes Rachel Secttor, a new TG2 agent for the southeast! 

Promoters in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida can now contact Rachel to book performances for the entire roster. She looks forward to meeting everyone at PAE in Baton Rouge.
Contact Info for Rachel
Phone:  919-967-8655
Fax:  919-869-2410
Email:  rachel@tg2artists.com

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