"Official List of Approved Therapy Providers and Formulas" for the week of...6/25/2011

Here's the "Official List of Approved Therapy Providers and Formulas" for the coming week…Check our clinic locations page for times and dates
  1. The Dillards   /  Katie Cline
  2. Dave Evans  //  Little Willie
  3. Bill Monroe  ///  I'm On My Way Back To the Old Home 
  4. John Duffey with the Seldom Scene  /  Reason For Being
  5. Dehlia Low   //  The Plains of Tellico
  6. Chris Brashear and Peter McLaughlin  ///  A Few Broken Pieces of Route 66
  7. Junior Sisk and Rambler's Choice  /  Working Hard Ain't Hardly Working Anymore
  8. Larry Stephenson  w/ Sonny Osborne & Ronnie Reno  // Me and My Old Banjo 
  9. Longview  ///  I Love You Yet
  10. Hazel Dickens  /  Busted
  11. Chris Stuart and Backcountry  //  Take Me Into Your Heart
  12. Chris Hillman and Herb Pederson  /// Heaven's Lullaby
  13. The Dry Branch Fire Squad  /  Hot Corn Cold Corn
  14. Phil Leadbetter   //   Steel Guitar Rag 
  15. Laurie Lewis, Claire Lynch, Lynn Morris & Rhonda Vincent  ///  Eight More Miles

All of the Remedies and Formulas Used on Prescription Bluegrass 
can be found in The Medicine Chest - Click to Open!

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