Gibson Brothers Featured in October Acoustic Guitar Magazine!

The bluegrass siblings from upstate New York traffic in tight harmonies andImage634487557397530000 acoustic guitar playing that’s rich in groove and tone.

In an article by Kenny Berkowitz, Acoustic Guitar gets the brothers to talk about their newest CD Help My Brother, in which Leigh says the emphasis is mostly on “what really matters in life.”  “Eric and I are at the point when it’s time to take stock of the things that hold real value, like love, family, relationships. Being in a brother duet, there’s nothing more important than that.”
“For years, we heard people say, ‘You boys are good—for Yankees,’” Eric says. “Early on, it used to aggravate us, but now we just laugh it off. We do the best we can, and we don’t see where we’re from as a hindrance to how we play the music.”
Leigh goes on to claim that the brothers have as much  “Barnyard Credibility” as anyone else in the business.
Read the full article online now.

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