IBMA has it’s Critics!

The IBMA (International Bluegrass Music Association) is not without it’s critics and probably never has been.  The most recent is coming in the form of publicized editorial opinions from some highly influential folks.  

IImage634499614861535055t started right after the latest round of IBMA Award Nomination announcements at the Loveless Cafe in Nashville - broadcast live on Music City Roots.   The Infamous Stringdusters’ banjo man Chris Pandolfi decided to take exception with the fact that many if not most of the current crop of nominees are repeats from previous years.  In an article “Bluegrass Awards” posted on his blog, Pandolfi asks, “how can it be so consistent year to year?  Is the musical landscape really that stagnant?”.

Pandolfi, who is well spoken, demonstrates a clear-headed approach with his suggestions for change  “Without any meaningful guidelines/direction, the (IBMA) nomination process has not progressed at all in recent years. The Awards have become a bit of an oxymoron: creating increased success for individuals, but shrinking the world where that success has any relevance.”

Image634499612628235055Some who read Pandolfi’s comments have come out now with their own criticism.  Cybergrass’ Bob Cherry posted his editorial comments on Cybergrass yesterday in A Comment on the International Bluegrass Music Association, Cherry writes that after years of an “insiders” trying for change and improvement he was finally told by then IBMA director of Print Media & Education, the Late Charles Wolfe to “go away” which Cherry says he did and has been on the outside now for 10 years.  
Cherry’s article, like Pandolfi’s, focuses on changes that each see necessary for IBMA to grow and both are presented in a positive manner.

One of Cherry’s comments was that IBMA is resistant to change. “Whenever anybody tries to implement change, they are beaten back one way or another. The IBMA leadership repeats their mantra that they "will listen to change requests and implement them" but, they always seem to avoid the big or hard issues. I have a folder of Emails from professionals who tried to follow the IBMA's words only to be shut down time and time again.”

Image634499613543475055The IBMA has demonstrated a willingness to look at change this past year under the leadership of board Chairperson and President Stan Zdonik and has implemented several surveys of members and non members alike to determine direction, timing and tempo of any such changes. They’ve also instituted a special email address for suggestions from anyone at anytime (ibmasuggestions@gmail.com).   According to Zdonik, “we’re listening”. 

In his opening message to the membership this year, Zdonik said, “As leaders, we’re sometimes criticized for not understanding what’s important to our constituents and I want to pledge here that your input will be welcomed and listened to by the board and staff.  We need more than ever to understand the issues critical to our members and which confront the bluegrass and the broader entertainment world.  I think that it is important as well to try to keep you informed about what the board is up to, so that the conversation can be two-way.”

To that end, it would appear that the IBMA leadership is also listening to themselves and has invited Chris Pandolfi to deliver Tuesday’s Keynote Address during IBMA’s World of Bluegrass conference September 27.   We’d like to suggest that Bob Cherry also be invited to address the convention at some appropriate time during the week. 

There are probably scores of others who could help the IBMA board, staff and members to fine-tune the organization if given the chance to present their views.   The Prescription Bluegrass Blog will publish any responsible editorials on the subject from anyone who sends their comments to us.  We will also open the comments section of this blog so that your posts will appear here in this thread.   All comments will be subject to review before posting.  Please keep your comments and suggestion on a professional level.

1 comment:

Sheila Maness said...

Well, at least this year there was an in depth online survey sent out.......the questions were varied and definitely were questions that people have kept asking about........change is hard for most but it will come.....