MerleFest Is Looking For Volunteers!

...Volunteers can sign up to work a single shift or up to four days....
April's still a long way off, but it takes a lot of planning to put on a festival as big as MerleFest.

Organizers are already looking for volunteers for next year's festival, which will run from April 26 to 29 on the campus of Wilkes Community College in Wilkesboro.

"Volunteering at MerleFest is an exciting opportunity to experience a world-renowned festival of music, moments and memories," said Mona McRae, the volunteer coordinator for MerleFest. "Volunteers do more than just attend; they make the festival possible."

The big draw for volunteers is that they get a free day of admission for each day they work one shift of three to five hours. Tickets to the festival can run upwards of $50 a day.

Volunteers can sign up to work a single shift or up to four days.

There will be a volunteer training event at 6 p.m. April 25 in Thompson Hall on campus. Those interested in volunteering can fill out an application at www.merlefest.org or can request a hard copy by emailing merlefest.volunteer@wilkescc.edu or calling (336) 838-6262.

MerleFest was founded in 1988 in the memory of Eddy Merle Watson, son of Doc Watson. It serves as a fundraiser for Wilkes Community College and has grown into one of the largest and most respected roots-music festivals in the country.

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